Our School

Westshore School Strategic Plan 2024 – 2027

VISION: At Westshore School, ākonga are placed at the centre. Every ākonga will reach their full potential through having a strong sense of identity and belonging to our school and, and ownership of their learning.

Our kaupapa is that all students will thrive in our inclusive learning environment without compromising who they are. Our staff position themselves as learners alongside students. Westshore School students and staff are committed, confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners.


Whanaungatanga – Connect

We have strong partnerships for learning across our school, with home and the wider community.

Manaakitanga – Nurture

We care for ourselves and others by showing kindness and empathy toward each other and the environment.

Rangatiratanga – Thrive

We strive to reach our full potential. We are critical thinkers, innovators and problem solvers.


Strategic Gaol 1: Whanaungatanga – We have strong partnerships for learning across our school, with home and the wider community – Connect.


 1. Improving communication between and within all members of the school staff.

 2. To communicating better and have more regular communication with parents, whānau and the wider community.

 3. Knowing our students better. (Their interests, background, identity, language and culture). Objective 3 Priority 6 – Action Expect and support teachers/kaiako to build their understanding of learning.

The above priorities show regard for The National Education and Learning Priorities (NELPs) Objective: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.3

What success looks like

  • Relationships between staff and between staff and students are more open, respectful and honest.
  • An improvement of consistency in teaching practice across the school, including between teachers and teacher aides.
  • More regular and consistent communication between school and home / wider community.
  • The school is well supported or have an engaged parent/whānau community.

Priorities achieved – how do we know

  • Teachers and Support Staff have strong united working relationships which flows through to student learning.
  • Local curriculum practices are operating in all classrooms and is noticeable to all visitors.
  • A greater number of parent/whānau members coming into school to assist with various activities the school is running.
  • Teachers and whānau communicate on a weekly basis.
  • Greater feedback sort from whānau / parents when making changes to our school


Strategic Gaol 2: Manaakitanga – We care for ourselves and others by showing kindness and empathy toward each other and the environment – Nurture


 1. Develop a strong school culture based on children knowing who they are, the history of our local area and driven through positive behaviour.

 2. Develop and promote leadership skills in the staff and the children.

 3. Our physical environment is nurtured, enjoyed, and respected by children and staff.

The above priorities show regard for The National Education and Learning Priorities (NELPs) Objective: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 3.2, 5.1

What success looks like

  • All staff and children knowing and following a positive behaviour system.
  • Children knowing their family/whānau history and having pride with how they are.
  • Children developing the ‘principle of kaitiakitanga’.
  • The principle of Tuakana-teina working well within our school.
  • Staff taking on different responsibilities around the school.

Priorities achieved – how do we know

  • Staff and students feel safe and have a sense of belonging.
  • Staff, children and the community are confident school policies and systems are effective in reducing and dealing with negative behaviour at school
  • Children and staff can be and express themselves.
  • Staff and children working together to maintain and enhance the physical environment.
  • Older students are supporting younger children both in class and in the physical environment.
  • Staff are given the opportunity to PLD throughout the year.


Strategic Gaol 3: Rangatiratanga – We strive to reach our full potential with guidance and by guiding others. We are critical thinkers, innovators and problem solvers – Thrive


  1. Ensure every learner / ākonga is given the opportunity to gain the foundation skills, including language, literacy and numeracy.

 2. Reduce barriers to education for all, including for Māori and Pacific learners, disabled learners and those with learning support needs.

 3, Meaningfully incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the place of learning.

The above priorities show regard for The National Education and Learning Priorities (NELPs) Objectives: 1, 2 & 3

 What success looks like

  • Every child is developing socially, emotionally and academically.
  • All children experience success and are motivated to learn.
  • Children with additional needs progress toward goals set out in Individual Education Plans (I.E.P.’s)
  • Teachers and support staff continue to increase the use  of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in classrooms and across the school

Priorities achieved – how do we know?

  • An increased number of ākonga meeting or exceeding curriculum expectations for their age/year group as they progress through the school

Our Curriculum

Our local curriculum is created through the NZC, Te Marautanga o Ngāti Kahungunu and our people, places and events. Integration supports learners making connections between our principles, values and key competencies.

It allows worthwhile exploration of meaningful content that relates to the learning areas; Events - Ngā Takunetanga, Places - Ngā Wāhi, and People - Ngā Tāngata

The integrated curriculum is planned and implemented through school wide themes. The key concepts are decided on at the end of the previous year.

They are influenced by the needs of the school and the pupils. Implementation is further enhanced by the inclusion of our whānau and community.

Our Learning Areas

Events - Ngā Takunetanga What events are of significance to the people of Westshore? Events that have changed the way we think, feel or act. Ancestors have witnessed much change, our curriculum supports the research and study of events that have impacted or influenced the future of our people.

Places - Ngā Wāhi How did our ancestors come to live in our place? What are the places of significance? Places will support the connection and the relationship between our people and the environment. 

People - Ngā Tāngata By studying the past we learn how and why our tipuna (ancestors) lived and the changes and causes of such change that occured. The curriculum supports the study of and connections to its people through whakapapa as well as the written and oral histories of local whanau.