Our School


Westshore School is located on Ferguson Avenue in the Napier Suburb of Westshore, a unique setting beside the sea.

We use this environment as part of the teaching programmes at Westshore School with a focus of exploring and understanding natural settings both within the school gardens, along the seashore and estuary. We are not zoned and welcome children from all around Napier.

At Westshore school, ākonga are placed at the centre.

Every ākonga will reach their full potential through having a strong sense of identity and belonging  to our school and ownership over their learning.

Our kaupapa is that all students will thrive in our inclusive learning environment without compromising who they are.    

Our staff position themselves as learners alongside students. Westshore School 

students and staff are: committed, confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners.       

Strategic Goals 2024

Strategic Goal 1: Whanaungatanga – We  have strong partnerships for learning across our school, with home and the wider community – Connect.


 1. Improve communication between and within all members of the school staff.

 2. To communicate better and have more regular communication with parents, whānau and the wider Community.

 3. Staff to know our students better. (Their interests, background, culture)

2. To develop and promote leadership skills in the staff and the children.

 3. Our physical environment is nurtured, enjoyed, and respected by children and staff.

Strategic Goals 2: Manaakitanga – We care for ourselves and others by showing kindness and empathy toward each other and the environment - Nurture


 1. To develop a strong school culture based on children knowing who they are, the history of our local area and driven through positive behaviour.

 2. To develop and promote leadership skills in the staff and the children.

 3. Our physical environment is nurtured, enjoyed, and respected by children and staff.


Strategic Goal 3: Rangatiratanga – We strive to reach our full potential with guidance and by guiding others. We are critical thinkers, innovators and problem solvers – Thrive


  1. Ensure every learner / ākonga is given the opportunity to gain the foundation skills, including language, literacy and numeracy.

 2. Reduce barriers to education for all, including for Māori and Pacific learners, disabled learners and those with learning support needs.

 3. Meaningfully incorporate Te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the place of learning.